Visit LiftEx 2024 to raise your lifting standards
Visit LiftEx 2024 to raise your lifting standards
LiftEx 2024, the flagship event of the Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA), will take place on 16-17th October 2024 at the new West Hall at Olympia in London – a central location for a truly global industry.
The free-to-attend show is an essential visit for lifting safety professionals and anyone involved in using or procuring lifting equipment in industries including Manufacturing, Engineering, Construction, Oil & Gas, Offshore, Logistics, Defence, Utilities and Entertainment.
All of these sectors rely on a broad variety of cranes, hoists, platforms, cradles and their associated chains, ropes, slings and other lifting equipment to improve their productivity. These needs are served by a Lifting Equipment industry that is constantly evolving with the onset of new materials, innovative ideas, better ways of doing things and the inclusion of modern technologies. There are also the vital supporting services such as inspection, maintenance and training.
Find an expert
Operations should be seeking out experts for these services because they will offer the assurance of safety as well as value. For example, the ability to create solutions you might never think about, seeing the long-term implications of a project, saving time effort and money through safe and efficient practice.
Carrying a LEEA badge is one of the best ways to easily identify an expert: the Association’s membership comprises expertise in every aspect of the Lifting Industry – from design, manufacture, refurbishment and repair, through to the hire, maintenance and use of lifting equipment for an entire spectrum of end users.
LEEA members will pack the exhibition floor at Olympia, with almost 100 exhibitors
showing their solutions to improve productiveness and efficiency, as well as providing safety, for end users operating manufacturing and logistics facilities. Crucially, your visit will help you to improve safety with advice from experts on the LEEA stand.
With so much of our world viewed online, it is refreshing to gather with industry peers, be able to talk to real people and view for yourself the latest lifting products including hoists, mobile and overhead cranes, steel chains, wire rope, winches, shackles, web slings, rigging, spreader beams, height safety and load monitoring equipment, IT solutions and more.
Expand your knowledge
You will expand your knowledge during your visit by attending free training sessions and presentations on topics delivered by LEEA Accredited Training Scheme members at the ATS Seminar, which is being held across both days.
The programme of sessions aimed at end users includes on 16th October: Crane ropes - what the eye can't see from Tensology Ltd, Working at height and rescue from ARCO Professional Safety Services, Know your sling calculations from ETDL - Elevation Training and Development, Slinging vs lashing - the critical difference from Mentor Training, Importance of pre-use checking equipment from Carl Stahl Evita Ltd and The role of an appointed person and the importance of planning a safe lift from Certex UK.
On 17th October the sessions will feature Working at height and rescue from ARCO Professional Safety Services, Importance of pre-use checking equipment from Carl Stahl Evita Ltd, Know your sling calculations, ETDL - Elevation Training and Development and Crane ropes - what the eye can't see from Tensology Ltd.
Network at the best LiftEx yet
The leading annual networking event for the lifting industry is set to be the best yet, supported by sponsors including YOKE, the manufacturer of lifting fittings for chain, wire rope and webbing slings; Rope and Sling Specialists, one of the largest independent companies in the field of lifting equipment engineering in the UK; and Headline Sponsor RiConnect Inc, which offers powerful software known as RiConnect, designed to streamline equipment management and ensure regulatory compliance and traceability.
There will be many chances to network with your peers and colleagues, not least on the evening of 16 October 2024 – Day One of LiftEx – when the annual LEEA Awards ceremony will be held at the iconic Dorchester hotel. This promises to be the Lifting Industry’s party of the year.
All of this means a visit to LiftEx 2024 offers the perfect chance to gain vital lifting related knowledge and insights, as well as an opportunity to meet LEEA members and discuss ways they can help achieve best lifting practice.
Registration will be open soon at the exhibition website at events.leeaint.com/liftex-london-2024. For those interested in exhibiting, a few stands remain available. Sponsorship packages are also available for the exhibition and Awards Dinner. Requests will be dealt with on a first-come, first-served basis, so please contact Leah Phelps on +44 20 3488 2865 or at enquiries@L2Events.com or visit: events.leeaint.com/liftex-london-2024.