Time to step up to the gold standard of full membership
LEEA is currently going through a process of moving development members to full membership having closed down the former status. LEEA CEO, Ross Moloney, explains how this move will ensure all members are fully committed to upholding LEEA’s ‘gold standard’ and benefit from end user recognition of their excellence and expertise.
While development membership was the traditional first step at the entrance to LEEA taken by many valued members, its relevance has lessened as the Association moves forward. LEEA ceased accepting any new applicants into the development grade in 2020, and has been working hard to support existing development members on to full member status.
Throughout the year, the Association has been stepping up its approach, with Robert Wilson, Head of Member Engagement at LEEA, prioritising the transfer of as many development members to full members as possible by end of 2022 – for very important reasons.
The LEEA badge has a hard-earned reputation. It is a signpost to the world of high standards and expertise within our industry and of a commitment to ongoing excellence. We are not, nor do we claim to be, the right place for everyone. However, we are keen to avoid a situation where this reputation is jeopardised or diluted by companies joining the Association as a development member with the sole intention of only collecting the badge, without being truly committed to self-improvement or meeting the requirements for gaining full membership.
There are enormous benefits to making the commitment to full membership because countless end users across the globe want the assurance of the LEEA badge. They are seeking out experts that add value and have learned that the LEEA logo shows that the provider will have undergone a rigorous auditing process and can, thus, offer the excellence they seek as well as an optimum route to mitigating risk in their lifting operations. This provides reassurance to the many tens of thousands of Duty Holders – often with little personal knowledge of the subject – who bear responsibility for the safe design, maintenance and operation of the lifting equipment and services their firm buys, hires or contracts in. Through using audited LEEA members, Duty Holders have an assurance that those aspects of their responsibilities will be faithfully, professionally and lawfully discharged.
So, carrying a LEEA badge is the essential way to clearly identify you and your company as an expert in your field and part of an Association that comprises expertise in every aspect of the Lifting Industry. This includes design, manufacture, refurbishment and repair, through to the hire, maintenance and use of lifting equipment for an entire spectrum of end users from oil rigs to windmill farms, from ports to factories and warehouses and from nuclear plants to non-industrial areas such as entertainment venues and hospitals.
Upholding LEEA’s gold standard is a vital priority for us and this means ensuring every member carrying the badge is fully committed to what it represents. Development status was well intentioned and we continue to want to support members as they progress, however, it is our absolute belief that a member only gets to use a LEEA badge when they adhere to all the Association’s rules, so those choosing not to engage will leave the Association. We appreciate and value the efforts of all those members who have made, or are in the process of making, the move to full membership and will support any member requiring assistance. Development members are receiving reminders from LEEA to complete their DARs (Development Action Reports) by the given deadlines. If you have yet to do so, it’s time to step up to the gold standard of full membership and earn your LEEA Badge. For further assistance please contact: robert.wilson@leeaint.com.