That’s lifting entertainment
Alongside a catalogue of content planned for this year’s Global Lifting Awareness Day, we invite you to the next in a series of LEEA webinars planned for 2022, which will be focused on the Entertainment sector.
The one-hour webinar, which will be held live at 10:00-11:00 (BST) on 7 July 2022 via Zoom, will be geared towards end users. Delving into sector–specific safety issues and best practice surrounding lifting, the webinar aims to initiate conversations between LEEA members and end users, particularly those further up the supply chain.
The webinar will explore how having the right lifting equipment and safe working loads in the entertainment sector is vital for successful productions and concerts – ensuring they run smoothly, efficiently and safely. Furthermore, sourcing and training staff and contracting for ‘thorough examinations’ with LEEA members will give Entertainment sector companies the confidence they seek, as members of the Lifting Equipment Engineers Association conform to its ‘gold standard’ when it comes to excellence in the Lifting Industry.
Attendees to this webinar will gain an overview of legislative frameworks, training and best practices applicable to owners and end users of lifting equipment in the Entertainment industry.
Representing the Entertainment sector will be speakers Paul Fulcher, Managing Director, Rigging Services; and Sean Pagel, Director of Production Services Ireland & Chairman of the National Rigging Advisory Group – PLASA (Professional Light & Sound Association). LEEA experts presenting will be Keith Tonge, Technical Services; and Dave Tucker, Senior Training Specialist at LEEA.
Register your attendance at the following link: 07 July 2022 – Entertainment Sector and be sure to check out the variety of content planned for #GLAD2022 as well as this webinar by visiting globaliftingawarenessday.com/highlights.