Take a look at LEEA’s new website
LEEA has unveiled a new look website at the usual address: leeaint.com. The refreshed site increases usability for members by offering a simplified structure, which is easier to navigate. To further strengthen the profile and credibility of association and shows end users that the association meets their expectations. The site has been developed with members particularly in mind, offering them a great tool to give their customers an insight into their association and to guide end users to their local LEEA member.
New functionality includes the ability to more easily find a LEEA member. Anyone, anywhere can enter their address to find their nearest LEEA member. There is similar functionality for making it easier to locate an ATS (Accredited Training Scheme) member – LEEA-endorsed trainers had previously been listed by course.
Ross Moloney, LEEA CEO welcomed the new look site. He said: “It reinforces LEEA’s place in the customer journey, showing that the association is there to help end users find LEEA members and to help LEEA members access training.”