Spreading the word and exchanging ideas
Sharing information increases productivity and improves employee relations. Exchanging ideas enables people to work together successfully, increases performance and improves the quality of work produced, ultimately then resulting in boosted growth.
LEEA has curated a remarkable resource of information to explore on its web site leeaint.com. For a start, anybody can directly access LEEA’s Code of Practice (COPSULE), which is there to increase awareness of best practice and ultimately lead to safer lifting operations. In addition to much more free material, there is a wealth of additional content in the ‘member only’ section, where all of LEEA’s technical advice and guidance documents are available. Necessary documents can easily be downloaded for use offline for those wishing not to issue their login details to their employees.
To further enhance the essential hub for the lifting industry, LEEA is investing in chat bot functions to assist with navigation, thus making it even easier for visitors to find answers to their questions.
As a conduit for sharing its vital information Leeaint.com is the heart of the communications and social media network of the Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA). The long established channel of The Lifting Engineer magazine, LEEA’s quarterly newsletter, can be accessed as a ‘page turn’ online journal at https://leeaint.com/news-and-events/the-lifting-engineer. LEEA members also receive a monthly LEEA Bulletin via email to brief them on the latest Association news and updates.
LEEA is prominent on the key social media channels of Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Linkedin. Easily accessible information provided in the form of short films, can now be viewed on LEEA’s new YouTube channel at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJBQGmKHSJtELzIuEJbHoSQ. We encourage viewers to watch the growing library of films available to stream, and to subscribe to the channel.
For members wishing to receive quick and easy access to best practice guidance and technical frequently asked questions, as well as news and events, direct to their smart phone of device, there is LEEA Connect. Exclusive to employees of LEEA Member companies, the downloadable LEEA Connect app delivers technical guidance, documentation, the latest LEEA news feeds, safety alerts as well as access to the LEEA Library and other information. With push notifications, users can be the first to know about new guidance, safety alerts, LEEA events and more. Aimed at engineers, examiners and anyone with an interest in the safety or technical aspects of lifting operations, LEEA Connect also allows documents to be downloaded to view offline. Details for downloading the app are available at: https://leeaint.com/leea-connect-mobile-app.
Why not join LEEA and open up the full benefits of sharing information and exchanging ideas. For more information on becoming a member of the leading representative body for all those involved in the lifting industry worldwide, visit https://leeaint.com/benefits.