Ricci Varley, Certex UK seminar on Wire Rope Socketing at LEEA LiftEx 2023
As part of LEEA’s YouTube channel, ‘Be my Guest…’ series, Jenny Eagle speaks to Ricci Varley, Training and Compliance Engineer, Certex UK, who will be co-hosting a seminar on Wire Rope Socketing at LEEA LiftEx 2023 next week.
Ricci Varley has been working for Certex UK for about 14 years and has been in the lifting industry for 20 years, where he was an offshore and onshore lift and inspection engineer. He is currently Training and Compliance Engineer, where he helps to develop courses and training programmes, and acts as the technical authority for any problems that engineers or technicians’ encounter.
“The compliance side of the job is making sure that what we do on a day-to-day basis is in compliance with relevant standards and legislation, whether it's onshore or offshore oil and gas or renewables,” he said.
Certex is joining LEEA at LiftEx at Liverpool Exhibition Centre on November 21 to run an Accredited Training Scheme (ATS) seminar on Wire Rope Socketing, alongside Matthew Bowden, Trainer and Patrick Cummins, Divisional Manager, Certex.
“We're going to be talking about the benefits of Wire Rope Socketing how to do it. Matthew Boden will be performing the practical side of things, while I run through what it is, and what we do. We’re proud to be a part of LiftEx and it’s good to actually be able to give something back as we are a LEEA member and a part of the LEEA ATS,” he said.
“A lot of us learn in different ways and you can't expect to run a day or two-day course and expect delegates to remember everything, but you want to be able to demonstrate where to find guidance and offer resources to go away with, so they have the feeling they've actually learnt something.
“Next, we’re working on a PUWER (Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations)
course for wind turbines. We can either do training on-site or abroad and we’ve got trainers going over to Taiwan and Japan. We have to be flexible to tailor it to what our customers’ requirements are.”
Certex is also looking forward to this year’s LEEA Awards 2023, held on November 21, at The Rum Warehouse in Liverpool, where they have been shortlisted for four awards.
“We've been shortlisted for The Sustainable Award for our POWERTEX and The Aspire Range. So, we're hoping to see something good come out of that. We are also in the Innovation Product Award for our Magnetic Rope Testing (MRT) for our Rope Watcher device and one of our trainers (Ricci himself) has been shortlisted for Best Trainer, so it should be a good evening,” he added.
Click HERE to watch the video on LEEA YouTube.
To register for the ATS seminars click HERE.
For more information about LiftEx click HERE.