Open Programme delivery for Lifting Apprenticeship in England
The Level 3 Lifting Equipment Technician Apprenticeship is now available for delivery in England as an Open Programme. This means the teaching is delivered via online classrooms and there are no minimum cohort requirements.
From August, one cohort will run every 3-months, with mock exams conducted at LEEA in Huntingdon and End Point Assessment delivered on-site.
This Apprenticeship takes approximately 24-months to complete and during the programme apprentices will learn to repair, maintain, modify, inspect, test, install and assemble lifting equipment to ensure its suitability and safety for a continued period of service.
Developed by the industry itself, rather than by Whitehall or college sales teams, the standard is firmly based around the needs and expectations of the industry and of entrants. In addition to specific skills, such as how to inspect and repair lifting equipment or assemble slings, apprentices will come away with broader engineering and IT knowledge as well as ‘softer’ employability skills around values, teamwork and communication. They will gain an understanding of Health and Safety, of the commercial implications of their activities, and they will acquire abilities in report writing, customer service and much more.
The apprenticeship opens up a wide choice of opportunities to work with lifting equipment in all kinds of applications and career paths – from lifting of lighting rigs at festivals to chain slings on construction sites. Equipment can be in almost any type of industry, including onshore or offshore, in car plants, aircraft manufacturing organisations, ship building, yacht building, food processing, warehousing and general engineering facilities.
It also provides a natural gateway for further Continuing Professional Development (CPD) options. LEEA’s Foundation Certificate, Lifting Accessories and Manual Lifting Machines Diplomas will be made available to all apprentices following their successful end point assessment. This provides a launchpad for further advanced LEEA training.
Apprenticeships are a great first step towards not only creating expertise from the first day a career commences, but also for generating a new breed of experts that can keep pace with the changing world of lifting around them.
The Level 3 Lifting Equipment Technician Apprenticeship is only available to residents of England at companies registered in England. For full details please find out more via this link:
If you wish to apply, please send an email to Andreas Datjis: andreas@morestarts.co.uk