Nuclear powered GLAD
On Thursday 13th July – Global Lifting Awareness Day – LEEA will be hosting a Nuclear Lifting webinar. This will be the latest in its series of free-to-view, sector-specific webinars, continuing the Association’s commitment to raising global awareness of the challenges involved in working within the Lifting Industry.
You are invited to join the conversation between LEEA members and Nuclear industry managers on Wednesday 13th July, 10.00 - 11.00 am BST, via Zoom. To join the webinar, register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_CfzrsLdBTxem2ZFJZDPdxA#/registration
The one hour session will explore how lifting equipment plays an essential role in Nuclear operations and how the consequences of non-compliance to standards and ignorance in relation to lifting can result in severe consequences beyond handicapping a company’s progress: an accident, a visit from health and safety inspectors and, ultimately, punishment.
By attending this webinar you will gain an overview of legislative frameworks, responsibilities, training, and best practices applicable to owners and end users of lifting equipment in the Nuclear sector.
Speakers include representatives from Sellafield and specialist nuclear site service company PAR Systems.
Join in with #GLAD2023
Anyone with an interest in lifting and working at height can contribute to celebrating the entire lifting industry on Thursday 13 July. Participating can be as easy as using the hashtag #GLAD2023 across social media platforms such as of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and TikToK, adding the GLAD2023 logo to email signatures, all the way through to producing unique content and holding events. We invite you to join in by submitting your own plans via the contact form, which can be found at https://globalliftingawarenessday.com/contact.
More LEEA #GLAD2023 events include:
- Launch of new LEEA online training course – Supporting Structures (SUP)
- Accredited Training Scheme Webinar
- Guidance video on BS 7121 series of standards
- LEEA Technical Forum
- A presentation from LEEA’s Charity of the year
- Launch of LEEA Connect app 2.0
- Presentation on the Lifting Equipment Technician End Point Assessment
- A Digital Roundtable: Discussing the digital future of the industry
- A Parliamentary Event on 12th July
Visit https://globalliftingawarenessday.com for updates to the schedule with more content, timings and links.