Opportunity in LEEA Technical Team
LEEA is seeking to recruit an industry expert to join its technical team to support the association’s global membership.
Our Association has played a key role in this specialised field for over 70 years, from training and standards setting, through to health and safety, the provision of technical and legal advice, and the development of examination and licensing systems.
A key service the association provides is to support our members in technical matters.
To fulfill this commitment we provide guidance documents, hold technical committee meetings, provide 1-2-1 technical support and increasingly we will be running technical support surgeries where members can discuss their issues and concerns with an acknowledged expert.
As our membership has grown, and the complexity of the industry has increased, it is clear that our technical team needs more capacity. Consequently, we are looking to recruit an industry expert, able to provide detailed technical advice to our global membership. This is a very specialised opportunity and we are looking for a candidate who can hit the ground running and immediately begin to support our membership.
This support will be offered in person, by email and when presenting papers and leading discussions at LEEA meetings around the world.
The technical function of LEEA is well known and highly regarded, so we are looking for a candidate who shares our determination to provide clear and definitive advice. We are willing to be flexible for the right person in terms of full time/part time, location and particular areas of expertise. However, we see this as a very specialised role and one where the appointee will have to command the confidence of our membership.
Any interest should be directed in the first instance to HR officer Jessica Coxsedge, jessica.coxsedge@leeaint.com. All contact will be in confidence.