A chance to reward your Unsung Hero
We are pushing the inaugural LEEA Awards hard to our members and so I hope to reach ‘peak LEEA Awards marketing’ soon, writes Ross Moloney, CEO of LEEA. The Awards are something that I am passionate about and I am glad to see so many applications coming in through the system. I hope you agree with me that the LEEA team has done a great job creating an application process that is both user-friendly and comprehensive. The nightmare whenever you do something new is to have this great idea that nobody else buys into! So I am really grateful to members who have bought into the vision and who are taking the Awards as a chance to showcase their excellence to the industry.
The Award that sticks out for me is one that I hold dear in the sense of my approach to management and leadership: The Unsung Hero.
Frequently there is somebody in the team who the rest of the organisation recognises as the glue that holds everything and every body together. These are often the people who do the detail or the delivery. They might be staff members who have been with a company for many years. Or they may be those who never miss a day; who go the extra mile; who set the example; who really live the ethos and values of the company.
They are valued, essential even, but perhaps because of the nature of their contribution, they are sometimes not as rewarded or recognised as they might be.
All the evidence in Management and Leadership research shows that recognising the achievement of these crucial employees benefits not just the person, but the whole team too. It helps a team to understand that contribution doesn’t need to be shouted about to be noticed.
So, whilst all of the award categories are really important and all our winners will be deserving and valued, I am particularly interested in the applicants and eventual winner of the Unsung Hero award category. Who in your organisation is the glue that holds you all together? Who goes unnoticed and deserves some public recognition?
Remember, applications are free and are reserved to LEEA members. Application deadline is the 31 August 2018, an expert panel will judge redacted applications to ensure confidentiality, and the winners will be announced and awarded at the LEEA Awards Dinner on the 14 of November in Milton Keynes. Enter at www.liftex.org/leea-awards-dinner/.