Labour Market Information for the Lifting Equipment Industry
LEEA is looking to engage an expert consultant to conduct a review of pre-existing LMI and similar data sets, which will inform our current and future work and messaging.
At this stage we are not looking for any primary work to be conducted, instead this is exclusively a review of pre-existing data and literature.
LEEA is a global association and so we are looking for global and national data where possible. Our budget for this work is £5k and we expect outputs to be completed by June 3rd 2019.
Interested applicants should respond with a two-page document telling us what you will do and provide an indicative timescale for the work. Additional to this we look forward to receiving examples of previous similar outputs.
Closing date for applications is Friday, 5 April at 5pm. Please apply to: ross.moloney@leeaint.com.