Denis Comer Obituary
Past LEEA president, Denis Comer, died in hospital in Wolverhampton on 15 November 2018 at the grand age of 96. Jim Coupe, another former LEEA President, remembers Denis.
After working for British Ropes and its subsidiaries, Denis joined Parsons Chain Company (PCC) in the late 1970s. He became Sales and Marketing manager for PCC industrial chain sales and was a very active participant in the Chain Testers’ Association, before the change of name to the Lifting Equipment Engineers Association in 1988. Retiring in 1987, he had been an active member on the executive committee, becoming president in 1995 until 1999, and was a key figure in forming the association’s Limited Company. He worked on BS, CEN and ISO chain, sling and component standards committees into his late seventies. He was made an honorary life member in 1999.
Denis was a real gentleman, intelligent, and possessed a sharp wit and dry sense of humour. He also had a love of red wine.
His funeral is at Telford Crematorium on Friday 14 December after which relatives, friends and business colleagues will meet at the Lilleshall Hall Golf Club, where he had been Captain and President, to celebrate his life.