Log in to free webinar on Utilities sector lifting issues
LEEA will be holding a free-to-view webinar looking at lifting issues in the Utilities Sector on 27th September 2023. This is the next is a series of webinars hosted by the Association and aimed at educating end users on their sector specific lifting issues.
Continuing the LEEA’s commitment to raising global awareness of the lifting challenges, the webinar will be geared towards end users in the Utilities sector and will run for approximately one hour and feature guest industry speakers with expertise in the relevant sectors who will join presenters from LEEA.
Lifting equipment is commonly used throughout the Utilities sector – from field operations, infrastructure installation and repairs to treatment centres and energy generation plants to the specialised nuclear plants and the rapidly growing renewables sector. Lifting expertise and excellence in products, services and solutions is vital to keep the Utilities sector operating to provide essential services around the world.
Delving into safety issues and best practice surrounding lifting, which are specific to the Utilities Sector, the webinar aims not only to raise awareness among LEEA members and end users, particularly those further up the supply chain.
There will be more details on content, with links to register your attendance, soon.