LiftEx exhibitor Hendrik Veder Group continues sustainability drive
Hendrik Veder Group, which supplies products, services, and solutions for steel cable and synthetic rope, has announced it has the capability to prevent 42,000,000KG of emissions through its sustainable solutions.
With companies that operate in and around ports who have to comply with stringent sustainability requirements, products provided by Hendrik Veder Group can help these companies contribute to their sustainability goals.
The firm, which will be exhibiting in the slings and rigging category at LiftEx 2023 (Liverpool November 21,22) alongside Aberdeen Web, Crosby, Dolezych, Petersen Stainless Rigging, PMS Industrie and Suhbo Industrial Co. said thanks to its ability to recycle steel cables, it expects to avoid 42,000,000 kg of CO2 emissions and aims to recycle enough steel between 2023 and 2026 (which is roughly the equivalent of 950,000 bikes worth of steel – almost twice the number of total bikes that are in Scotland).
These latest figures come after the previous success of similar projects and initiatives. In 2022, Hendrik Veder Group launched a program to recycle steel cables, saving 2,000 tons of steel during its pilot phase – the equivalent of avoiding 5,200 tons of CO2 emissions.
Following this successful pilot, the company has significantly increased its output of recycled cables, aiming to prevent approximately 42 million kg of CO2 emissions between 2023 and 2026.
“We can assist companies with what we call the ‘low-hanging fruit.’ We do this by renting, recycling, or repairing cables. We show them how much CO2 emissions, costs, and resources they can save so that they can immediately see how they can operate more sustainably and effectively,” said Egbert Vennik, CEO, Hendrik Veder Group.
“In the past, it was frowned upon to suggest using a competitor’s cable. But if we know that another company has a perfectly good cable stored elsewhere, it would be a waste to produce a new one. More and more, companies understand that reuse leads to savings, both ecologically and economically.
“When discussing the numbers involved for kilograms of CO2 emissions or tons of steel, many people will struggle to visualise such an abstract number. By averting the need for new steel cables to be produced by recycling used cables or refurbishing them, until 2026, we prevent the production of an amount of steel equal to the weight of about 950,000 bikes.
“In Rotterdam, where our headquarters are based, there are about 475,000 bikes, and in Scotland, about 500,000 bikes. If you were to weigh the combined total of bikes, that would roughly be the amount of steel that no longer needs to be produced when repairing and reusing cables. This is how Hendrik Veder Group hopes to contribute to the sustainability ambitions of companies in and around ports across the UK and Europe.”
To visit Hendrik Veder Group at LiftEx 2023 click here.
To register for LiftEx 2023 click here.