LEEA Training – what you need to know
Covid-19 has changed how we do things
During this time, companies have had to make changes in day to day procedures, adapting to these unusual times. Inevitably, our LEEA Training has changed in the face of Covid-19. But like always, we aim to make our courses as accessible as possible. We have seen this as a chance to develop what we have heard what our members and students demands are, whilst also being innovative with our training.
How have we developed LEEA training?
For years our courses have been available online, but we knew we would have to adjust our methods for them to be even more readily available. We have made it possible for our Foundation, Lifting Equipment General and Lifting Machines Manual assessments to be completed online, with plans to develop online assessments for our other Advanced Programmes. This allows students to complete LEEA assessments from the comfort of their own home, so there is no need to travel to a confirmed training or invigilation centre to sit the assessment.
In addition to this, we listened to the needs of our members and felt an alternative should be offered. Our ZOOM training began in June, and in that month 61 students studied our programmes via ZOOM. This began as a short term solution, to provide a continuation of our services and to be able to reach our students worldwide. Our Zoom courses have been met with overwhelming success and the feedback we have received from delegates around the world has been amazing. We feel that this training delivery will be part of the new normal for our global membership, offering relative time-zone access from the comfort of your location, reduced costs and in addition, backed up by the flexible access to our online e-Assessments on completion, at a time that suits you.
What’s Next?
In addition to moving all our Advanced Programme assessments online, we will be moving back to face-to-face training. Beginning from the 3rd August, we will be hosting socially-distanced LEEA Courses once more in our Huntingdon Training Centre.
What Safety Measures will be in place?
We are working to make the return to our practical training courses as safe as possible. In order to be safe, we will be:
- Reducing class sizes to 6
- Full deep clean of our Training Centre and undergoing the necessary risk assessments
- Sanitation stations at the doors
- PPE in place for trainers and students
- Single desks that are 2.1m apart
- We will not be supplying lunch to limit the possibility of transmission
For more information on this, please email our team at academysupport@leeaint.com
LEEA Courses at our Training Centre in Huntingdon commence on 3rd August. Zoom training continues, and we aim to have all the online assessments up and running by the end of September.