LEEA takes on New Zealand Lifting Industry leadership

LEEA takes on New Zealand Lifting Industry leadership - image

LEEA takes on New Zealand Lifting Industry leadership

The Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) is taking on the role of industry leadership in New Zealand from volunteer run association, Lifting Equipment Engineers New Zealand.

LEENZ is transitioning its good work to what is established across the world as the leading trade association for all those involved in the lifting industry. 

The Chairman and Executive Committee of LEENZ are currently finalising the association’s affairs and once the transition is settled, LEEA will assume full responsibility for advocacy to government, engagement with stakeholders, management of training and events and will provide industry development opportunities with end users.

LEENZ was formed in 1992 to adopt a common range of standards for the New Zealand Industry and to promote the safe use of Lifting Equipment. However, since the adoption of ISO standards in a globalised sector, it has become increasingly difficult for LEENZ, as a voluntary association, to maintain best practice guidance to the New Zealand membership.

With its global presence and dedicated team, LEEA has the resources to keep firms in the lifting equipment industry up-to-date with relevant changes to standards, offer best practice guidelines and engage with key industry and government bodies to ensure the views of the lifting equipment industry are represented. 

LEENZ members will be able join LEEA, in accordance with the association’s rules and joining process, which will ensure the gold standard achieved by LEEA members is maintained. 

Justin Boehm, LEEA’s Member Engagement Manager for Australia and New Zealand said: “I would like to extend our thanks in particular to Byron Cummins, Chair of LEENZ, with whom we have worked in this transition.  Of course LEENZ has contributed much to the industry since its creation and as a volunteer run association, key individuals have given lots of time and effort.  LEEA is looking forward to working with our members in NZ and welcome firms who wish to engage with us.

“The transition to LEEA gives the industry in New Zealand a more unified voice to government and to end user markets. For a country that has become familiar with adopting multiple standards from differing regions, LEEA will provide a greater level of consistency to better protect our members and give access to the latest and most relevant technical standards in an ever-evolving regulatory environment.”

LEEA members in Australia and New Zealand can contact Justin by email: justin.boehm@leeaint.com or tel: +(61) 400 001 000.

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