IMechE Crane Safety 2021
Ben Dobbs, LEEA’s Head of Technical Services, will be speaking at the annual IMechE (Institution of Mechanical Engineers) Crane Safety Conference.
Taking place online 8 September, IMechECrane Safety 2021: Innovation for Safer Operation will address the latest developments in regulations and standards, together with a key focus on emerging technologies to increase safety across operation, covering crane design, condition monitoring and examination technologies.
Ben will be delivering his presentation on monitoring for crane Design Working Period (DWP). This will include looking at what DWP is and how it is used in assessing the continued safety of cranes; the consequences of age-related defects; and who is responsible for DWP?
Now in its sixth successive year, IMechE’s Crane Safety conference allows engineers, safety professionals, equipment designers, industry regulators and service providers involved with crane operations across a wide variety of projects and industries to find out how to reduce risk of incidents, maintain compliance and make the most of the latest technologies.
In addition to the shift to UKCA marking through the new machinery directive due to Brexit, 2021 has brought some developments in standards and regulations that this year’s event will address within the context of safety for workers and civilians alike.
For further information or to book, visit events.imeche.org, email: eventenquiries@imeche.org or call +44 (0)207 973 1251.