GLAD film previews
Global Lifting Awareness Day (GLAD) was a perfect platform for companies across the lifting industry to launch or promote content. Through a collective effort and using the hashtag #GLAD2021, it was all eyes on the industry.
We wanted to use the day to showcase the very best of our industry for any inquisitive newcomers who may use the opportunity to look into it further, and the hashtag meant everything could be at their fingertips with a quick search.
That’s why LEEA used this opportunity to launch two films on our 12 hour Zoom call. The films are focused on demonstrating not just what we do as an Association, but the importance of safety in the lifting world. LEEA and its members know how relevant this is, but the challenge was conveying this to an audience as simply and efficiently as possible.
The first video was a film that delivered LEEA’s message and values – it’s hard to encapsulate everything we do as an Association, and just how much of a benefit it is to use a LEEA member company. Though the film scratches the surface, it conveys just how wide our influence is and the variety within the industry. Our hope is that it will open up a platform for questions and an opportunity to provide further information, both about ourselves and our members.
For the second video, we worked in association with Sci Ani (Science Animated), who are experts in communicating research, articles and publications through animation to engage audiences. With Sci Ani, we produced a film on the LEEA Code of Practice for the Safe Use of Lifting Equipment (or COPSULE) as a resource for anyone and everyone. By making our Code of Practice freely available, we hope that more end users will be able to access it so that best practice becomes normal practice. For the first time in its history, the document is available to both members and non-members alike, and can be downloaded for free at: https://leeaint.com/copsule
Alongside our ‘Think Lifting’ films (available on our website) we are creating resources that members and others in the industry can use to promote the industry and show our core values and mission. We encourage you to download and repost these videos to spread the message, and show the relevance of our industry.