Download and get connected
LEEA Connect is the members-only App that allows the Association to directly communicate with members on their smart devices.
There has been a total of 1081 downloads of the app since its launch last year – split 367 via Apple and 714 from Google Play.
Having the App on smart phones and tablets puts technical guidance, documentation, online learning videos, the latest LEEA news and events feeds, safety alerts as well as access to the LEEA Library and other information straight into the palms of LEEA members and their employees.
LEEA Connect is aimed at engineers, examiners and anyone with an interest in the safety or technical aspects of lifting operations. The app provides quick and easy access to: best practice guidance, technical FAQs, news and events and download documents to view offline. With push notifications, users can be the first to know about new guidance, safety alerts, LEEA events and more.
The app is only available to LEEA member companies and their employees. Anyone wanting to use LEEA Connect will need their LEEA membership number and have their access approved by the nominated LEEA contact for their company.
All of LEEA’s technical advice and guidance documents are available on LEEA’s website in the Members Area. Members may not wish to issue their login details to their employees. However, with LEEA Connect, the people who need these documents as part of their work can access them easily and download them to use offline. They can only access information on the app and will not see anything else in the Members Area on the website. Users cannot buy anything, see information about their company’s LEEA membership, access financial information or amend any company information.
This is a huge opportunity for employees to benefit from directly accessing LEEA’s Code of Practice, technical guidance and expert advice. Increasing awareness of best practice will ultimately lead to safer lifting operations.
The App is available for download on Apple and Google App stores. A guide for more details about the registration and approval process, and what users can access, is available at: leeaint.com/leea-connect-mobile-app.