Be my Guest… Rosie Webb
Arco Professional Safety Services celebrates its 140th anniversary this year and has received LEEA Accreditation for Training for two of its courses; Working Safely at Height and Rescue at Height.
Rosie Webb, technical sales specialist, returned to the company in October last year, after spending 12 years working alongside Oliver Austin, now chair of the LEEA Board and CEO, Safehold.
“As part of my role we were looking at opportunities to work with associations, bringing in more of our different departments. Both I and my colleague Nerys Knight, senior technical sales specialist, attended LEEA LiftEx in Liverpool, which was a fabulous show and saw there wasn’t much working at height training at the forefront. So, we saw this as an opportunity to develop this and work more closely with LEEA,” she said.
“I have worked for companies that are members of the association throughout my career and I know they have a high standard ensuring their mission to educate, influence, and enable, so that best practice is an everyday action at the forefront of their and their member's minds.
“Arco Professional Safety Services aims to keep you, your people, and your business safe, with the two mottos being prominent for both companies, it was a great opportunity for us to go into partnership and work more closely together.”
The training provider has five locations in the UK; in Linlithgow, Warrington, Trafford, Bracknell & Stafford, and can carry out the courses on user's sites. It also recently introduced virtual reality to support training in confined spaces and working at heights, including immersive experiences to allow learners to experience the dangers posed in different environments.
The two courses are both one day courses and available to all LEEA members and their customers.
Working Safely at height will cover, legislation, guidance, practical applications, equipment, and managing risk. This course will include a theory session in the morning, followed by a practical session in the afternoon, with test questions at the end.
The certificate needs to be refreshed every three years to ensure delegates are up-to-date with existing legislation.
Rescue at height can be carried out once the working at height course has been completed,
The rescue element will provide delegates with the knowledge and practical experience to enable them to rescue a fellow worker suspended at height. The course includes the inspection and servicing regime of the rescue kit used, demonstrations of the control rescue device, anchor point selection, and edge protection. Covering both the rescue of a conscious and unconscious casualty, this like the working at height course will be theory-based in the morning with a practical and written assessment in the afternoon.
This certificate needs to be refreshed every two years, or if a company specifies, can be renewed after 12 months.
Talking about Arco’s 140th anniversary, Webb added: “It's a huge achievement for us. We are part of the Arco Group, which is at the forefront of safety in the industry so to bring in our side of the business, Arco Professional Safety Services, makes us one of the biggest safety companies in the UK, which is a huge achievement for us and something we're very proud of.
“Next for us is attending LiftEx at London Olympia, on October 16 and 17 this year and we’re delighted to announce Steve Dawson, our training manager will be giving a presentation to go through all the details of the training course, what they entail, and who they will benefit. Nerys and I will also be there to answer any questions afterwards.”
Click here to watch the video on LEEA YouTube channel.
Click here for more details about LiftEx 2024.