Be my Guest… Rob Whitehurst-Maiden
LiftEx 2024 is fast approaching, and RiConnect Software as a Service (SaaS) provider is this year’s Headline Sponsor. Here to tell us more is Rob Whitehurst-Maiden, sales manager, RiConnect UK.
The company will be exhibiting alongside YOKE Industrial Corporation at the show, promoting how to digitalise the supply chain with its range of technologies.
The LiftEx sponsorship coincides with the Machinery Regulation which comes into force in January 2027, bringing digitalisation of the industry to the fore. Yoke, for example, puts radio frequency identification (RFID) chips featuring RiConnect software in 95% of its forged products, allowing users to keep up with pre-use checks and unique identification numbers.
“We're excited to be a Headline Sponsor of LiftEx this year. It's an extremely important event for us. We're excited to get our name out there and to show our commitment to what LEEA stands for, which is safety, education and training. We will be exhibiting alongside YOKE,” said Whitehurst-Maiden.
“The show also coincides with LEEA’s 80th anniversary and pushing forward the industry is embracing modern technology as a whole. The antiquated systems of the past such as paperwork being lost, compromises safety, and we think now is the right time to talk about digital solutions.
“Safety is our mantra. So, we absolutely push that and so does LEEA. The event is an important way to bring everyone together and get ideas out there, and push legislation and directives to promote safety.
“It's my first time at LiftEx and a lot of my colleagues have attended in the past, so I know it’s a great show. I know some people in the industry already, so it's a great way to get out there and meet people.
“We've also been working behind the scenes, to promote what we do with the LEEA Awards (to be held at The Dorchester Hotel on October, 16). We believe we are worthy of winning some of the categories. So hopefully fingers crossed.”
Next RiConnect will be releasing some new modules as well as attending trade shows and hosting its own digital seminars.
Click HERE to watch the video on LEEA YouTube channel.
For information about LiftEx 2024 visit https://events.leeaint.com/liftex-london-2024